According to a recent New York Times article, sales of this canned food is rising. Hormel won't disclose by how much but they did indicate it's by double digits. Factory employees are working double shifts and are only getting Thanksgiving and Christmas off in order to keep up with the demand.
Because it is vacuum-sealed in the can and does not require refrigeration, Spam can last for years. That's its appeal during "hard times". It's relatively cheap meat that lasts forever. We used to eat it a lot, scrambled in eggs for breakfast. It was satisfyingly salty.
Hawaiians love it so much they have an annual festival dedicated to it, Spam Jam. C'mon, I hear they even make sculptures out of this potted pork product. I know, it's a bit unbelievable that I've never gone before. It's even on Oahu, where I often go when vacationing in Hawaii. But alas, not yet...possibly someday.
So it seems that Hawaiians aren't the only Americans packing this long-lasting treasure in their pantries. Sales of other processed items like macaroni and cheese, Jell-o, and Velveeta are also rising steadily. It is a sign of the times...tough economic times.

Spam musubi (or as one of my mainland friends called it when he had some at my birthday party many moons ago--"Spam-shi", as in Spam sushi). It's really not sushi since the rice isn't vinegared.
Basically it's salted rice with a slice of Spam (fried or not fried--fried is better) wrapped in seaweed (to hold it together). You can get fancier and add teriyaki sauce, egg, and/or furikake seasoning.
Anyway you make it, I love it. Spam forever! Literally.