Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Duckie Love

A few weeks back, my nephew celebrated his 2nd birthday. He loves ducks. So his mom, Gillian, made these awesome cupcakes.

See, don't they look delicious? There were two cupcake flavors (chocolate chip--which I had--and coconut, I think. Can you believe I only had one?). They were topped with chocolate ganache (not frosting) and hand-piped buttercream ducks. Happy Birthday, Sam-o.

You have to check out these beauties. Like I've said in the past, I'm not good with baking. I'm not terrible either. I can bake a cake most days. But this, I've never seen a flock of ducks look so sweet...except maybe the roast ducks hanging in the Chinese markets. But then again, those would be savory ducks.

Mmmm, I'm getting hungry.

4 comments: said...

ducks in HK - don't think they flew there

Have fun in Portland!

Unknown said...

Can you empty your resf mailbox please? My replies to your email keep bouncing because your inbox is full.

-- Bill

Tory Davis said...

Mmm, roast duck. It's been too long! Quack.

sdb said...

Yay! Vanessa's back online! We (meaning I) love Vanessa.
And yum - those pics of the ducks make my blood sugar levels hit the roof...