Monday, July 21, 2008

Hot Dog with Ketchup

Ok, so this really isn't meal-related but I couldn't resist. My husband, Danno, and I have a Jack Russell Terrier named Andy. He likes to chase the vermin (mice, rats, possums...) that end up coming through the backyard. This time it was a skunk!

Yep, he got it right in the face. I had heard that tomato sauce does the trick at getting the smell out but since we're cleaning out the pantry, we didn't have that so I pulled the ketchup out of the refrigerator--hey, it's tomato-based. Sure enough, he didn't smell like skunk anymore. But I do have to warn you that wet dog with hint of ketchup doesn't smell so great either. Apparently, it just masks the smell. Sigh. The lesser of two evils, I suppose.

This is Danno "cleaning" the dog. Andy, you're such a good sport. I don't know what's more insulting, getting sprayed in the face by a skunk or squirted on the head with ketchup...?

1 comment: said...

Tomato juice (and variants) don't really work. I got the real deal from a friend back east who rescues Malamutes - hydrogen peroxide. You fill a bucket with warm water, add about a half cup of dish soap and about a half cup of peroxide. The peroxide oxidizes the suifides (ie the stinky compounds), and the soap is necessary as a surfactant to solublize the nasties.