Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yummy Romesco

When I was traveling in Spain, my first stop was Barcelona. That was where I first tasted a romesco sauce. It's a nut-based sauce that goes really well with the abundance of seafood in Catalonia, that northeast region of Spain.

I have such fond memories of that trip...I love to re-live some by making my own romesco. I like mine on the thicker side so that I can use it as a stuffing. I can always add more oil to thin it out into a dipping sauce.

Romesco Dressing
1 c. hazelnuts, toasted
1 c. almonds, toasted
3 cloves garlic, rough chop
3 ancho chilis, soaked in warm water until soft, then seeded and patted dry
1 TBL smoked paprika
2 c. roasted tomato
3 1" thick slices of bread, fried in oil or toasted
3 c. olive oil
2 TBL parsley, chopped
1 lemon, juiced
salt, to taste

In a heavy saute pan, heat 3 TBL oil and cook chilis for 5 mins. In food processor, blend nuts, garlic, bread cubes by pulsing the machine. When ground together, add chilis and pulse for another min. Then add roasted tomato and parsley. With machine running, slowly add enough of the remaining oil to make a smooth emulsion. Season to taste with lemon juice and salt.

Use less chilis and/or paprika if too spicy.

Buen Apetito!

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