Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Farmer's Dozen

According to Food News from Environmental Working Group, a public health and environmental protection non-profit, some fruits and vegetables are "dirtier" that others.

They recommend buying organic when it comes to the dirty dozen because those items tend to be sprayed with the most pesticides otherwise. Sadly, peaches are the worst offenders.

Dirty Dozen
1. peaches
2. apples
3. sweet bell peppers
4. celery
5. nectarines
6. strawberries
7. cherries
8. lettuce
9. grapes (imported)
10. pears
11. spinach
12. potatoes

You can rest easy with these in your fridge...

Cleanest 12
1. onions
2. avocado
3. sweet corn (frozen)
4. pineapples
5. mango
6. sweet peas (frozen)
7. asparagus
8. kiwi
9. bananas
10. cabbage
11. broccoli
12. eggplant

Hmmm, the clean list is pretty tropical. That's not local. Well, to keep you on track at the grocery store, you can download a pocket guide or see the complete list at Food News.

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