Thursday, April 9, 2009

Vanessa Hates, I Mean, "Loves" Exercise

Ok, folks. I just downloaded pix from a wedding I went to last month. Pretty much one year after my own. The photos were shocking. I am a bit fluffier this year than I was last. I blame it on the cold weather of winter in the northwest...I mean, I need insulation. It freakin' snows here. But it has gotten me thinking about exercise.

What does this have to do with food? Well, I have to practice what I preach. Back in the day, I used to teach cooking and, uh, NUTRITION classes. I want to get back into that. I was healthier back then. Maybe it was because I wasn't eating as decadently. Or maybe it was because I was planning a wedding, going to culinary school, teaching cooking classes, writing grants, working in a restaurant, and walking a dog.

Nowadays, I'm only doing one of those things. I'm not saying which.

So I had a birthday a couple days ago. You'll see the delicious morsels from that dinner soon. But in this next year of life, I vow to exercise enough to support my extravagant foodie lifestyle. If I don't, at the rate I'm going, I believe I'll be considered obese in the next two years. Yikes!

We should all exercise anyway, right?

I say it to you, my loyal readers, I will exercise 30-60 mins, 3-5 times a week. It's springtime anyway. I should be outside doing something. Who will join me? Well, virtually anyway....

1 comment:

LiveWorkDream said...

Happy birthday girlfriend!

Ok, I'm with you on the exercise thing. Being here in East Texas is really inspiring me to get fit. Everyone here is HUGE!!!!