Friday, May 7, 2010

Wanna Bite o' Sausage?

Stop by the Deck Family Farm booth at the PSU Farmers Market this Saturday, May 8th (between 10am and 12pm) to sample their new sausages. The booth is located on the west aisle just a few booths down from the Veggie Valet/Info Booth in the Northwest corner. I will be there with my chef coat and a nice collection of tastiness:

Beef Andouille
Polish Sausage
Sweet Italian Sausage
Garlic Sausage
Smoked Bratwurst

Consider getting local, tasty, humanely-raised sausages for a special Mother's Day breakfast. Because nothing says "I appreciate you," more than a sausage, some eggs, and a crepe/waffle/pancake/muffin bed!

Or just stop by and say, "Hello." See you there!

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