Friday, July 25, 2008

Mmmm, Beeeeeer

Shortly after arriving in Bloomington, Indiana, I was taken to Upland Brewing Co. for a burger and beer. They had a bunch of fish stewed in beer on the menu but I'm in the midwest so I had to have a burger and a beer. In California, at least in Los Angeles, I can never get any beef cooked medium rare. It's no rarer than medium, or they say "ok" then pass off medium for medium rare. Sure it's still pink in the middle but it's the thin strip of purple in the center of that that makes the moo meat delicious. But that's only my opinion.

So, thank you to all the midwesterners out there who allow medium rare meat to be served.

But back to the beer. Stephanie (the IU prof) and I got the sampler because neither of us is a beer connoisseur (and if you're not either, check out their Brewing for Dummies info). She liked the seasonal Heiferweizen and I liked Bad Elmer's Porter.

Now that Danno and I are moving to Portland, I guess I'll have to start learning more about beer. Upland got me off to a good start though!

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